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Visit the Highlander's Library of Stories, Tales and Road Trips on Line...

Because of our passion for these beautiful mountains, the Highlander has been researching and photographing these mountains for over 20 years now.  We are considered pioneers in internet publishing.  We began developing the Highlander in the fall of 1996, and launched it in 1997. 

The links below will take you to a wealth of editorials and information on the Blue Ridge - Smoky Mountains.  We sorted them into categories that we believe best describes them.  If you are truly interested in the mountains, you will find our editorials both entertaining as well as educational and sometimes inspirational.  If you'll take the time to read a few, you will find yourself caught up with the Highlander's conversational style of writing, and begin to feel yourself experiencing the mountains with us.

Highlander Library Archive of Stories, Tales & Scenic Road Trips





designed, produced and hosted by
Travel and Real Estate Guide to the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains, including North Georgia, Western North Carolina, Tennessee River Valley and Up Country South Carolina
The Blue Ridge Highlander logo, all photography, design, graphics, artwork, writing, digital images, etc are the Copyright © of C. Wayne Dukes and Sherry Bell Dukes, 1996 to current day, except where otherwise stated. All rights reserved, reproduction, downloading, and/or duplication of any sort is strictly prohibited, all violations will be prosecuted. Legal Policy.  If you have any questions, or comments, regarding this site, e-mail the Highlander.